Chris Yi

My fondest Middle School memory is from the Beyond the Gates (BTG) trips at the start of the year. These were times dedicated to letting loose, meeting classmates, and developing friendships. I can clearly remember my first BTG trip to Camp Wildfire in the first week of Grade 5. Now that I’m looking back, BTG is something I’ve missed most during my transition to Upper School.

My favourite place on campus is undoubtedly Rogers Hall, Room 106. It’s where the Grade 5 class was. Even now, walking past R106 brings back fond memories. 

Now that I’m older, when I see Grade 5 boys, I laugh, realizing that I was once one of them. But it’s the boys who have been with me since the beginning, the first Grade 5 class, that has been my inspiration.

In Grade 9, I had the unique opportunity to travel to Boston for the Harvard Model United Nations Conference. As the only Grade 9 selected for the trip, I was nervous and my expectations for myself were low. Today, I can proudly say Model UN has been instrumental to my development. It has taught me how to speak publicly, apply diplomacy to personal relationships, and view world issues through different lenses.

The Centre for Leadership, Innovation & Performance was finished just in time for my Grade 9 year, and I had the opportunity to reap the benefits of the new classrooms and, most importantly, the Bob and Jilla Williams Music Room. As a tenor saxophonist since Grade 6, the band has played a significant role during my time at SAC, and it was a pleasure being able to rehearse, perform, and practice in a brand new building.

From Grade 5 until even my Grade 11 year, the grads looked larger than life. The years separating us seemed so vast that I could never see myself as a Grade 12, ready to move on from SAC.

Grade 12 has been my favourite. It is the year of transition as I move out of my comfort zone that is SAC, into a world much larger and different. While this initially intimidated me, it now excites me as I look forward to how my life will progress.

For the students going into Grade 12 next year, I say this: it will soon be over. I am certain the school days will seem increasingly shorter, and the terms will go by quicker and quicker. Before you know it, it will be your last Andrean Christmas, your final championship game, meet, or competition wearing the SAC crest. Time is running out.

For the boys in Grade 5: truly make the most of your time here. The opportunities you are granted are unlimited. Anyone who has spent time at SAC can attest to hearing the phrase “well-rounded.” Honestly, I could not use a better word to describe how I’ve progressed at SAC. I’ve been a scholar, an athlete, a bandsman, a Model UN delegate, and a DECA executive.